What is advanced eyecare?

Our advanced eyecare is over and beyond the standard NHS sight test. This involves a complete diagnostic evaluation by our experienced optometrists and is an extended appointment of approximately 45 – 60 minutes. The optometrist will use state-of-the-art technology like Optomap and 3D OCT scanning to assess the health of your eyes.

What is Optomap?

Optomap is a non-invasive, painless, and quick digital scan of up to 82% of the retina. Some of the first signs of disease such as stoke, diabetes and even some cancers can be seen in your retina, often before you have any other symptoms. Optomap will also screen for diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy is one of leading cause of sight loss in the United Kingdom.

What is 3D OCT

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a non-invasive, painless, and quick diagnostic instrument used for scanning the deeper retinal tissue. It is the technology for the future because it can allow us to detect problems, in symptom-free patients, 5-6 years before they become visible in standard sight test. We will use OCT specifically to screen for two of the leading causes of blindness in the UK; age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma.

Is advanced eyecare for me?

You are born with a pair of eyes that needs to last you your entire life.  We believe that our comprehensive eye care should be must for all the family.  We don’t think there is a better way to look after your eye health.

Is Optomap safe for children?

Yes.  In fact, many vision problems begin in early childhood, so it is important for children to receive the best eyecare. Optomap was founded over 20 years ago by Douglas Anderson after his then five-year-old son, Leif, went blind in one eye when a retinal detachment was detected too late.